Saint Louise Was Listening On
8:21 p.m. || 2004-07-14

I've been away for a couple days, and haven't had the chance to write, and I'm sorry. I've been depressed and having trouble sleeping again, which is about par for the course, it's been a long time since I cried when no one was around, and I haven't really felt like talking to anyone.

I think I've put on a little weight, which is also not the best thing in the world to life a woman's spirits.

Currently I'm listening to Eric in the background cursing over a game of Megaman while Depeche Mode plays quietly from my computer.

I've been having the strangest dreams as of late, filled with blood and hate and pornography and cruelty, leaving twisted and painful images in my mind's eye when I awake. I wonder what is going on inside those places in my mind that I can't venture to when I'm awake. Whatever it is, it really can't be healthy.

reeling and stumbling

let me get up on it