Demon Child.
Saint Louise Was Listening On
12:59 p.m. || 2004-07-26

(8:24:12 PM): I got a good job a great hobby and a slammin lady friend. I'm happy

"Friend"(8:24:24 PM): ur set

(8:24:48 PM): Next is the marriace and kids : : : Cringes : : :



you get it

The dream I had the other night is as follows:

I am giant and pregnant and Eric is there, holding my hand as I work through an extremely painful labor. I deliver and the child is a demon-creature of snap and snarl, with huge black eyes and no soul. I lie there bleeding and weak, covered in sweat, not sure if I am going to die from it or not, and I turn and see that Eric is about to cry. "It's just such a relief it's not mine." He turns and says to me.

That's when I woke up.

reeling and stumbling

let me get up on it