All of This Shit.
Saint Louise Was Listening On
2:57 p.m. || 2004-09-02

I know I haven't written in forever, there's been a lot going on, and I feel like I say this everytime I come here as of late.

I am currently debating wether or not to become an independant contractor in the fragrance industry, which is less money overall but better hours, and less resposibility. I would have my entire week off, which is super nice, even though I have no idea what I would do with it. I've been thinking maybe I could get my brother to pay for me to babysit a day or two out of the week to both supplement my income, and spend some more time with my niece and nephew.

Other than that one mother just went through major surgery and the other mother has found a lump on her breast, which is frightening at best.

Tonight I have inventory to do at my store, and tomorrow I am sure will be a very hard day, being as I would love to make the first week of my month... and I dont know if that is something that is going to happen.

All these things. Kind of sucks all around.

reeling and stumbling

let me get up on it