So sick and Tired
Saint Louise Was Listening On
7:06 p.m. || 2004-09-27

You know? I'm just plain fed up today. Fed up with sex, fed up with exes, fed up with finances, fed up with everything.
Ex of mine spills his heart out to me on how bad things were in his last relationship, and I don't think he knows at all how much I really did care about him when we were having our fling, or how I maybe would have liked a relationship with him after he got over the girl who had broken his heart when we met. I'm tired of not getting laid enough, so much so that I wasn't even into it last night when it did happen. I'm tired of not being able to pay my bills, not having any friends around here, being lonely and bored and broke.
I'm just sick of so many things, it never seems to change inside me. I never seem to get away from it, just one of those hanuting ever-present feelings.
You know, I really have loved some people in my life and never told them, and I really have stayed past my welcome with others.
What am I doing?

reeling and stumbling

let me get up on it