My Manta Ray's All Right.
Saint Louise Was Listening On
3:04 p.m. || 2004-07-18

You're so pretty when you're unfaithful to me:

You're the Bone Machine.

Have to do the ultimate betrayal of a girl who thinks that I am a great boss, I have to demote her. My head hurts with the thought of telling her to hand over her keys. This is business, and I have to do my job or lose my job. I know that performance says everything, and attitude the other half of whatever isn't said, and unfortunately I get along with her... which is going to make this really hard. I was going to ask her to just leave, but I don't know, I was going to ask her to give me until the end of the season, but I can't rest my season on a consistantly weak link.

Work, yuck.

So here I am now, sitting here knowing that a replacement for her is already trained and set up, is ready to go as of 6pm when I do this, and she is sitting at home right now thinking everything is going to be peachy keen when she comes in. Oh Jesus.

And really, do I still have to have my period? This is insane.

Everything in my life right now suddenly feels insane. There is no drug to stop life and let you coast for a little bit, I'm praying someone throws me a lifeline.

reeling and stumbling

let me get up on it