Noreaster part 2
Saint Louise Was Listening On
7:38 p.m. || 2004-11-07

I am again inside the cocoon of the dream, the reality has slipped far away, and from my place where nothing touches me, I continue to be enamored with the feeling of your hair, and the deliciousness of you spicy scent.
There are times in my life when I wonder if I'm doing the right thing, and I am pleased to know there is no room to wonder.
Your teeth bring my eyes open, grazing along the base of my collar bone, your mouth rises to meet the hallow of my throat. Try as I might I cannot catch my breath. I have been dying to hear you say my name, though I'm not sure if you know it, or if you think it's important, and I love that, admittedly, maybe as much as I would like to hear it.
There is a sense of vertigo in us, in and of this moment, a dizzying second-guess of faith and devotion to things I knew, things you pledged your honor on, a feeling not unlike when your stomach drops from a high height.
I am finding myself enraptured with the taste of you. I think from what I can feel of you, you find yourself quite in the same mindset as me.
Where does the reality of this end, and the fantasy of it all begin. We were never formally introduced before this all began, I think formailty is long past us at this interval.

reeling and stumbling

let me get up on it