still in this mindset
Saint Louise Was Listening On
4:25 p.m. || 2004-11-10

You and I lie naked on a bed of dahlias, so red they're almost black. They lend a heady aroma to our space, their honeycomb petals soft on my back. The patch of hair, below your bottom lip, grazes my neck, your teeth moments away from its touch, first the rough feel of one, then the other, working down my throat, between my breasts, over my navel. I find my mouth dry as I pant with the need of you. I have played this a million times over in my mind, the thought of you filling me, the thought of me touching you, hands cupped around you, holding you to me, my legs locked around you, feeling you breath, feeling the life in you. I cannot get away from this, these days, try as I might, I have only the option to give into this, try as I might.

reeling and stumbling

let me get up on it