Saint Louise Was Listening On
9:29 p.m. || 2005-05-20

I'm still alive! Barely. Hanging on. Writing Dear John Letters, listening to Rush, finding my soul, trying to make sense of a mad world.
Nothing seems to make as much sense as I'd like.
I meant to clean more before I sat down, but that's inconsequential, I'll figure it out I'm sure.
Lost 10 pounds, back into a size eight. Another month of living my life I'll be a six for sure. I'm not sure what I think about that. Maybe it's good, maybe I'm wasting away. It's funny how frisky a guy can get when you act like you don't care and you start to get skinny.
Funny how love isn't blind all the time. Love with selective blinders.
Writing Dear John Letters, Suicude Letters, Letters to the Editor of Life.
"Dear Sir,

What the Fuck?
The Sad Professor."

reeling and stumbling

let me get up on it