Saint Louise Was Listening On
2:00 a.m. || 2004-04-10

Boiling hotdogs. Another attempt at an almost normal night gone. Notice no AOL ticker tape for you tonight... and notice no huzzah. Can you burn hotdogs when you boil them? I think you can. I think I did.

Hrm. History channel is talking to me about Heaven and Hell and Biblical mysteries, which is all fine except for the fact that I'm more concerned with the sutures I can feel in the back left bottom of my mouth. Yum.

Saw my niece and nephew today. God but they're cute, and they both can say my name now, which is soooooooo choice, after 4 years of saying, "No, Auntie Lisa..." (unintelligible gibberish....) "No, say Auntie.... Lisa...." "Tittie! Weenus!" (smack forheard and try not to laugh that you heard the word Weenus, even if it came from a two year old)

But being the Big Auntie is great, because they listen to you when they don't listen you your parents (or their parents) and all they care about is snuggling close, and all the funny voices that you're making just for them... yeah, Auntie-hood is cool. It reminds me that children are more than work, and that I would still give my left arm and leg to have one of my own, to change and bathe and make funny faces to... Trish the lingerie manager is expecting. All I could think was "I strike again!" I have a long running tradition of wanting to be pregnant and spreading the baby disease wherever I go. Want a baby? Come work with me or under me for a month or two, and be either for the record "done" "trying" or even "I'm 15 there's no way in hell" and I swear to you. Babyville. It's Ok. I'm used to it.

Here I am right now... not bad for hiding my yucky tooth side with hair right?

reeling and stumbling

let me get up on it